The 1947 Sighting of Kenneth Arnold


On 24 June 1947, Kenneth Arnold was flying near Mt. Rainier on a business trip from Chehalis to Yakima Washington in a light aircraft when he spotted a string of nine shiny, flying objects that seemed to skip around like a rock skipping on a water pound.

Arnold estimated the objects to traveling at speeds up to 1,200 miles per hour.  These objects were flying from Kenneth’s left to the right of the aircraft and then they disappeared out of sight.

He referred to these objects as “saucers” skipping across a pond.  When the news media got hold of the story, someone coined the term “flying saucers”.  Thus for about 73 years, the term flying saucer became a standard for identifying something seen in the sky that was not immediately identifiable.  A new phenomenon was born from the 1947 sighting of Kenneth Arnold.

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Are UFOs Real?


Introduction: Are UFOs Real?

Have you ever wondered about strange lights or images in the sky? Is it something explainable or is something that defies normal understanding or explanation. I know you can’t be bothered with that “sci-fi” stuff!

Just suppose you did see something that was highly unusual or even slightly frightening. What would you do? Keep to yourself for fear of ridicule? Tell an unsympathetic law officer?

Maybe you call the local newspaper reporter who acts like he really is too busy to be bothered with such nonsense? You figure the government isn’t interested either.

Before you question your sanity, you are not alone. There have been many people in this world who have seen very highly unusual sights in the sky.

What I want to address in this brief post, is that they saw something or thought they saw something.

Let us define and clarify what the term UFO means and doesn’t mean. First of all it not synonymous with an “alien spaceship,” which is strictly a Hollywood label.

In the 1950s when the USAF Project Blue Book was started, the Air Force coined the acronym UFO and it meant (still does, today) Unidentified Flying Object. Simply stated, the aerial object is UNKNOWN!!

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